Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We are Super Scientists!

Learning about the world around us is our super power.......

We are the Super Scientists!
First Graders are not just going to sit back and leave all the discovery to grownups. We found out that we can be Scientists right now! We can use the tools that we already have (Our Five Senses) to observe and discover the world around us!

After going on our Science Field Trip ,(A Nature Walk) to the trail behind our playground, we made some amazing discoveries about objects. We each chose a single object to bring back to our classroom for futher observation. With the use of a hand lens, we attacked our task of describing our object in our Science Journal. We learned that this is called "recording data" or "recording our observations". Ask your First Grade Student, "What is a Scientist?", you may be amazed at their answer!

1 comment:

  1. Shelby had great fun being a Super Scientist, we love the blog!
