As we near the end of the year, the Sunshine Band is reading chapter books! Instead of responding to literature during Literacy Stations, the Sunshine Band is meeting in chapter club book clubs :)! Right after their own individual reading time with on-level and Literacy Station books, our almost second graders gather in groups around a chapter book. One student will read, the group listens, and then they decide as a group how to respond to the pages read that day. The Sunshine Band is having amazing conversations about their chapter books and supporting each other with comprehension all the way to Second Grade!!!
As almost second graders, our Sunshine Band is supporting almost First Graders with their comprehension and fluency. Last week, band members read with a kindergarten friend and modeled intonation and fluent reading of text. Our Kindergarten Students amazed us with their desire to read higher level text and the room was buzzing with book talk!
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