Thursday, June 17, 2010

Destination Success Summer!!!

Dear Parent(s),

Please take the time to visit Destination Success this summer!
There are so many valuable resources for your student to take advantage of to maintain and grow in their learning. We have assigned many standard-level and above-level activities for your student to complete. You will also see lessons assigned weekly by our county :D! As a reminder, your student's log-in and password is as follows:

Log-in: FIRSTNAMELASTNAME264 (all caps and our school number:264)

Password: MMDD (birth month and day, eg. June 16th=0616)

Our students will be rewarded at the Sunshine Farm for their progress on Destination during the summer :). Thank you for all you do to keep your student reading and learning!

Happy summer,
Mrs. Bridges and Ms.Correia

p.s. Leave us a comment or a question on this blog post for extra credit!

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Theme..New Name..New Dreams!

Here at the Sunshine Band...we mean Sunshine Farm, we hope you are kicking back and relaxing during your first days of summer vacation. Your farmers, Mrs. Bridges and Ms. Correia have already dusted off their tractors and plows and are getting ready to cultivate a Second Grade community of learning excellence. We have a new room, a new theme, and a new name, The Sunshine Farm :D!
Check it out:

Chets Creek Elementary School - Cultivating a Community of Excellence from Melanie Holtsman on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Sunshine Band is going to Second Grade!

The show must go on and we are taking it to Second Grade! Our band members are so thrilled that we will moving on up to Second Grade together :). Yesterday, the Sunshine Band got a sneak preview of what Second Grade will be like and they even got to see their new room!

We chatted with a Second Grade teacher and heard from second graders just what second grade was really like. They gave us helpful tips and advice and even showed us a Second Grade Reader's Theater from their Author Study, Tomie dePaola. It was a great visit and We feel less nervous about our new venture.

We are so excited to boogie into a new year with old friends!