Dear Parent(s),
Please take the time to visit Destination Success this summer!
There are so many valuable resources for your student to take advantage of to maintain and grow in their learning. We have assigned many standard-level and above-level activities for your student to complete. You will also see lessons assigned weekly by our county :D! As a reminder, your student's log-in and password is as follows:
Log-in: FIRSTNAMELASTNAME264 (all caps and our school number:264)
Password: MMDD (birth month and day, eg. June 16th=0616)
Our students will be rewarded at the Sunshine Farm for their progress on Destination during the summer :). Thank you for all you do to keep your student reading and learning!
Happy summer,
Mrs. Bridges and Ms.Correia
p.s. Leave us a comment or a question on this blog post for extra credit!